We support the preparation and employment of specialized personnel

"Peşəkar" İnkişaf Mərkəzi (PIM), a part of Prosper, offers high-quality vocational training for individuals aiming to build careers in the public catering and sales sectors. PIM is accredited with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 37001:2016, and ISO 37301:2021 certifications and holds a special license for handling personal data.
In collaboration with the Azerbaijan Public Employment Agency under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan, PIM organizes free vocational training courses comprising both theoretical and practical lessons for the unemployed and job seekers.The institution is listed in the Azerbaijan Public Employment Agency's register of entities engaged in vocational training.
PIM has been recognized with several awards, including the AmCham CSR Excellence award, the "Best Product Launch" Golden Crown Award, the "Commitment to Community Award" by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Azerbaijan Republic, and an Honorable Mention by AWWWARDS. The center has had 423 participants in its courses, with 251 graduates successfully employed.
For more details: Azerbaijan Public Employment Agency's Register.


Relevance to ISCO: Our course programs aligned with the tasks and responsibilities outlined in the International Standard Classification of Occupations. It covers a broad range of the necessary skills and knowledge areas.



Our areas of activity

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    Free Vocational Training Courses

    Prosper's "Peşəkar" Development Center, in collaboration with the Azerbaijan Public Employment Agency, organizes free vocational training courses for unemployed and job-seeking individuals. These courses include both theoretical and practical training, aiming to develop professional skills and enhance employability in the job market.

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    Free Job Placement for Graduates

    The initiative provides career advice, job search techniques, and personal development support, helping participants navigate the job market and become more attractive candidates. Graduates receive extensive support in job placement through vacancy analysis and postings.

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    Free Internship Provision for Employers

    This program offers employers the opportunity to accept individuals with relevant educational backgrounds as unpaid interns. These interns gain real-world experience, develop professional skills, and contribute to the organization's operations.

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    Free CV Bank

    A platform for job seekers to present their experience and skills to employers. This free service facilitates connections between job seekers and employers.

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    Free Remote Recruiting Service

    This service offers remote support to employers in staffing and recruitment processes. It includes searching and selecting potential candidates, conducting preliminary interviews, and coordinating with employers for effective recruitment.

Organization Structure

Executive Direction 

  • Marketing and Public Relations Department

    Goals: Increase the number of applicants for courses, and enhance the recognition of the "Peşəkar" Development Center brand and its programs.
    Responsibilities: Develop and execute marketing campaigns, organize events and PR actions for course promotion, and analyze and adjust marketing strategies for effectiveness.

  • Applications Management Department

    Goals: Efficient and effective management of course application processes, timely and accurate processing of applications, and provision of high-level service to applicants.
    Screen applicants via phone, organize initial interviews, assist with document collection and presentation, consider key admission criteria, and communicate application and admission results promptly and accurately.

  • Teaching and Examinations Organization Department

    Goals: Ensure high-standard and effective organization of teaching and examinations, maintain transparency in training and assessment processes, and optimize students' learning and assessment experiences.
    Ensure quality standards in preparing teaching materials and exam questions, update teaching and assessment methods, plan and execute trial lessons, technical and teaching support during courses, organize practice lessons and ensure compliance at practice locations, collect feedback from industrial-practice supervisors, and organize and execute examinations and certification ceremonies.

  • Graduate Employment Department

    Goals: Enhance graduates' competitiveness in the labor market, provide effective job-finding support, strengthen relationships with employers, and create job opportunities for graduates.
    Offer career planning, CV writing, and interview technique advice, collaborate with employers, organize job fairs and professional development seminars, and assist in establishing connections between graduates and employers.

  • Partnership Management Department

    Goals: Strengthen existing partnerships and establish new ones, effectively manage relationships with partners, maximize benefits from partnerships, and develop and implement the organization's partnership policy and strategy.
    Build and maintain relationships with partners, negotiate and finalize agreements, monitor and evaluate partnership performance, and coordinate partnership activities.

  • Documentation Management Department

    Goals: Ensure efficient and correct management of documentation processes, timely and accurate processing and archiving of documents, and compliance with legal requirements and organizational standards.
    Register and manage incoming and outgoing documents, ensure proper format and presentation of documents, manage electronic and physical archives, and respond promptly and accurately to documentation-related inquiries.

  • Quality Control and Analysis Department

    Goals: Monitor and ensure the timely and quality execution of all business processes.
    Responsibilities: Oversee the execution of marketing and PR activities, manage application processing, course and exam organization, and ensure the timely and quality execution of all related documents and processes.

Support Direction

  • Research and Business Development Department

    Goals: Improve the organization's business strategies and activities, discover and assess new business opportunities through market research, and enhance competitiveness through the application of innovative approaches and technologies.
    Continuously analyze market trends, customer needs, and the competitive environment, research and evaluate innovations and new business models, and develop strategies for product and service development.

  • Digitalization Department

    Goals: Manage and improve the organization's digital transformation, ensure effective implementation of digital technologies and systems, and increase efficiency through automation and optimization of business processes.
    Select, implement, and manage digital technologies and systems, develop and execute digital transformation strategies, and ensure the storage, processing, and security of digital data.

  • Data Management Department

    Goals: Strengthen the organization's data analytics and data management activities, improve the processes of data collection, storage, analysis, and interpretation, and ensure the application of data-based approaches in decision-making processes.
    Manage data collection, processing, and storage systems, apply data analytics and analysis methodologies tailored to the organization's needs, and ensure data security and confidentiality.

  • Legal Department

    Goals: Provide reliable and effective legal support to the organization, minimize legal risks, and maintain legal compliance.
    Provide legal advice and opinions, participate in the preparation, review, and signing of contracts, manage legal risks, ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and provide internal and external legal consultations.

  • Finance and Accounting Department

    Goals: Ensure financial stability and efficiency, maintain accurate and transparent accounting, and improve financial planning and budgeting processes.
    Prepare and manage income and expense reports, conduct legal and compliant financial and accounting management, and organize and oversee financial audits.

  • Human Resources Department

    Goals: Effectively manage the workforce, optimize recruitment and professional development processes, and help establish a positive workplace environment and corporate culture.
    Manage recruitment, termination, and employee turnover processes, and maintain employee relations and payroll systems.

  • Logistics and Supply Department

    Goals: Efficiently and effectively meet the organization's logistics and supply needs, optimize the supply chain, and use financial resources efficiently.
    Responsibilities: Manage the supply chain, including negotiations with suppliers and contract management, manage warehouse and inventory, and ensure compliance with quality and safety standards.


We received multiple awards from international organizations and the government


AmCham CSR Excellence award


"Best product launch"The Golden Crown Award


Honourable Mentionby AWWWARDS


"Commitment to Community Award" by Ministry of Youth and Sport of AR

ISO certificates and licences

The "Peşəkar" Development Center (PIM) operates in accordance with international standards and holds ISO 9001:2015, ISO 37001:2016, and ISO 37301:2021 certifications. These certifications affirm PIM's compliance with global management standards, customer satisfaction, ethical and transparent business practices, adherence to legal and organizational obligations, and a culture against corruption. Additionally, PIM possesses a special license for the protection and processing of personal data, ensuring the confidentiality and reliable management of information.


Our Contribution to the SDGs

There’s a long and complex journey ahead. That’s why we will continue to ask bigger questions – of ourselves, our industry, and society at large. Because the bigger the questions we ask now, the bigger the actions we can take - together.

Prosper is asking bigger questions.

How can we all prosper?

To maximize our active contribution to the SDGs, we have selected those most aligned with our business model and determined specific measurable goals for our supply chain, direct operations and services. This way, we ensure progress tracking and transparency.

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    Goal 1

    End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

    We are working on the digitalization of vocational education for developing the skills of our community and helping to grow their skills and market value.

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    Goal 4

    Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

    We are developing educational materials for vocational education programmes, developing and supporting e-learning web and mobile platforms, providing courses and workshops for our community and producing video lessons.
    Review our CSR projects: Business rules, Prosper Animation School.
    In partnership with UNDP Azerbaijan and State Employment Agency: Bacar - eLearning platform

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    Goal 5

    Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

    We are part of the STEM4ALL Network organized by UNICEF & UNPD.
    In partnership with UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub and UNICEF, we developed a regional web-based platform STEM4ALL, visualized the data, created online quizzes, create the brand and animated promo videos for women and girls in the CIS region.

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    Goal 8

    Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

    We are developing Web-based Career Development Tools for resume building and job search which allow the local community to develop their resume with AI-based tools and find relevant vacancies.

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    Goal 10

    Reduce inequality within and among countries.

    We have transformed the traditional learning process into the virtual process through the development of corresponding e-learning materials and online web platforms, in order to strengthen the capacity of the unemployed jobseekers in the development of business plans and starting micro-businesses. With the help of our web-based platform unemployed or, job-seeking citizens can join to programme at any time, from anywhere and develop their skills and find a job. Besides, it helps to lift barriers for participation of people with disabilities and promotes active women participation.

Health & safety policy

Commitment to SafetyEnhanced Commitment to Safety at PIMAt PIM, our dedication to creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment is not just a policy; it's a core value that permeates every aspect of our institution. We firmly believe that a secure and well-maintained environment is not only fundamental to effective learning and professional development but is also a right of every student, staff member, and visitor. This commitment extends beyond mere compliance with safety standards; it involves actively fostering a culture of safety that is integral to our educational ethos.Proactive Safety MeasuresOur approach to safety is proactive and comprehensive. We understand that a safe learning environment encompasses physical safety, emotional well-being, and digital security. Therefore, we are dedicated to implementing robust safety protocols that address all these aspects. This includes maintaining secure facilities, offering support services for emotional and mental health, and ensuring the digital safety and privacy of all our community members.Collaborative Safety CultureSafety at PIM is not a top-down directive but a collaborative effort. We actively engage with students, faculty, and staff to understand their concerns and insights regarding safety. This collaboration is critical in developing and refining our safety strategies. By involving the entire PIM community in our safety initiatives, we create a shared sense of responsibility and empowerment, which is crucial for maintaining a secure and supportive environment.Adaptability and ResponsivenessIn our commitment to safety, we also recognize the importance of adaptability and responsiveness. As new challenges and risks emerge, whether they are physical hazards, health concerns, or digital threats, we are prepared to adapt our policies and procedures quickly and effectively. This dynamic approach ensures that our safety commitment remains relevant and robust, no matter the changing circumstances.Long-Term Safety VisionFinally, our commitment to safety is a long-term vision that extends into every facet of our institutional planning and development. We see safety not as a set of rules to be followed but as a quality to be embedded into the very fabric of our institution. This enduring commitment ensures that PIM remains a safe, welcoming, and nurturing place for everyone who steps through our doors.
Compliance with RegulationsWe understand that compliance with local, national, and international health and safety laws and regulations is not just a legal requirement, but a moral imperative. We are committed to not only meeting but exceeding these standards to ensure the utmost safety and well-being of our students, staff, and visitors. Our approach to compliance is comprehensive and meticulous, involving several key strategies:Regular Monitoring and Updating of Practices: We stay abreast of the latest developments in health and safety regulations. This involves regular monitoring of legislative changes, industry standards, and best practices. Our policies and procedures are frequently updated to reflect these changes, ensuring that our institution is always in full compliance with the most current standards.Collaboration with Regulatory Bodies: We actively engage with local and national health and safety regulatory bodies. This collaboration helps us gain insights into regulatory expectations and ensures that we are proactive in implementing any required changes. It also allows us to contribute to the development of health and safety standards in the education sector.Compliance Audits and Inspections: Regular audits and inspections are conducted to ensure that all our facilities and operations comply with health and safety regulations. These audits are both internal and external, with third-party auditors often brought in to provide an objective assessment of our compliance status.Training and Communication: Understanding that compliance is everyone's responsibility, we invest heavily in training programs for our staff and students. These programs are designed to educate our community members about the relevant laws and regulations and their role in ensuring compliance. Regular communication updates are also provided to keep everyone informed about any changes in the regulatory landscape.Transparent Reporting and Documentation: We maintain comprehensive records of all our health and safety procedures, audits, and compliance measures. This documentation is crucial for transparency and accountability. It also ensures that we have a clear trail of our compliance efforts, which is essential for both internal reviews and external inspections.Responsiveness to Non-Compliance Issues: In instances where non-compliance is identified, we take swift and decisive action to rectify the situation. This includes not only addressing the specific issue but also analyzing the root cause to prevent future occurrences. We view these instances as opportunities for learning and improvement.
Risk ManagementOur approach to risk management is comprehensive and dynamic, designed to identify, assess, and mitigate potential hazards that could impact our educational environment and community members. This strategy is integral to our commitment to providing a safe and secure learning space.Systematic Risk Identification: The first step in our risk management process is the systematic identification of potential hazards. This involves a thorough analysis of all aspects of our institution, including physical infrastructure, educational activities, extracurricular events, and operational procedures. We consider a wide range of risks, from physical safety hazards to cybersecurity threats.Detailed Risk Assessments: Once potential risks are identified, we conduct detailed assessments to evaluate the likelihood and impact of each risk. This assessment is not a one-time activity but an ongoing process, reflecting changes in our environment and operations. We use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to ensure a thorough evaluation.Implementation of Mitigation Measures: Based on the risk assessments, we develop and implement targeted measures to mitigate identified risks. This could include physical changes to our facilities, updates to our operational procedures, or enhancements to our digital infrastructure. We prioritize actions based on the severity and probability of risks, ensuring that the most critical areas are addressed promptly.Regular Monitoring and Review: Risk management is an ongoing process. We continuously monitor the effectiveness of our mitigation measures and conduct regular reviews of our risk management strategy. This ensures that our approach remains effective and relevant, adapting to new challenges and evolving risks.Engagement and Training: We engage our entire community in our risk management efforts. This includes training programs for staff and students to recognize potential hazards and understand their role in mitigating risks. By fostering a culture of awareness and preparedness, we empower our community to contribute actively to a safer environment.Emergency Preparedness: Part of our risk management involves preparing for potential emergencies. We develop and regularly update emergency response plans for a variety of scenarios, ensuring that we are prepared to respond effectively to incidents that may occur.Collaboration with External Experts: We collaborate with external safety and risk management experts to ensure our strategies are aligned with the best practices and latest developments in the field. This collaboration provides us with additional insights and expertise, enhancing our risk management capabilities.
Training and AwarenessWe recognize that effective training and awareness programs are key to fostering a safe and secure environment. Our approach to training and awareness is multifaceted, designed to educate and engage our community in health and safety practices.Comprehensive Training Programs: Our training programs cover a broad spectrum of health and safety topics, tailored to the specific needs of our diverse community. This includes general safety training for all students and staff, as well as specialized training for those in higher-risk areas or roles. We ensure that the training is up-to-date, relevant, and in line with the latest health and safety standards.Interactive and Engaging Learning Methods: We employ a variety of training methods to ensure that learning is effective and engaging. This includes interactive workshops, online modules, hands-on demonstrations, and scenario-based exercises. Our aim is to not only impart knowledge but also to build the skills and confidence needed to apply this knowledge in real-life situations.Regular Awareness Campaigns: Beyond formal training, we run regular awareness campaigns throughout the year. These campaigns focus on different aspects of health and safety, such as mental health awareness, digital security, and emergency preparedness. Through posters, seminars, and digital communications, we keep health and safety at the forefront of our community's mind.Cultivating a Culture of Safety: Our goal is to cultivate a proactive culture of safety within PIM. This involves encouraging everyone to take personal responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those around them. We foster an environment where safety concerns can be raised freely and addressed constructively.Continuous Learning and Feedback: We view training and awareness as an ongoing process. Feedback is regularly solicited from participants to continuously improve our programs. We also stay informed about new training methods and emerging safety concerns to ensure that our programs remain effective and relevant.Leadership and Staff Involvement: Leadership and staff play a crucial role in modeling and reinforcing the importance of health and safety. Their active participation in training programs and awareness initiatives underscores the institution’s commitment to these values.Collaboration with External Experts: We collaborate with external health and safety experts to ensure that our training and awareness programs benefit from the latest knowledge and best practices in the field. This collaboration also provides an external perspective, enhancing the quality and effectiveness of our programs.
Emergency ProceduresWe have established robust and effective emergency procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and visitors during unforeseen events. Our emergency procedures are comprehensive, clear, and regularly updated to respond to various potential scenarios.
Detailed Emergency Plans: We have developed detailed emergency plans for a range of scenarios, including natural disasters, fire outbreaks, medical emergencies, and security threats. These plans outline specific actions to be taken in response to each type of emergency, ensuring a coordinated and effective response.
Accessible Emergency Information: Information about our emergency procedures is readily accessible to all members of the PIM community. This includes clear signage for evacuation routes, accessible emergency exits, and well-marked assembly points. We also provide digital access to emergency procedures and contacts through our website and mobile platforms.
Regular Drills and Simulations: To ensure preparedness, we conduct regular emergency drills and simulations. These drills are designed to be as realistic as possible, providing staff and students with hands-on experience in responding to different emergencies. The frequency and nature of these drills are determined based on the specific risks associated with our environment.
First Aid and Emergency Resources: We maintain well-equipped first aid kits and emergency resources at strategic locations throughout our facilities. Additionally, selected staff members are trained in first aid and basic emergency response techniques, enabling them to provide immediate assistance if needed.
Collaboration with Emergency Services: We have established strong relationships with local emergency services, including fire departments, hospitals, and law enforcement agencies. This collaboration ensures a rapid and coordinated response in the event of an emergency and provides us with additional expertise and resources.
Post-Emergency Support and Debriefing: Following an emergency, we provide support and counseling services to those affected. We also conduct debriefings to review our response and identify areas for improvement. These debriefings are crucial for refining our emergency procedures and enhancing our overall preparedness.
Continuous Improvement: Our emergency procedures are regularly reviewed and updated based on new information, changing circumstances, and feedback from drills and actual incidents. This process of continuous improvement ensures that our emergency response strategies remain effective and relevant.

Reporting and InvestigationWe have developed a robust framework for the reporting and investigation of health and safety incidents. This framework is designed to ensure that all incidents are reported promptly, investigated thoroughly, and addressed effectively to prevent recurrence.
Accessible Reporting Mechanisms: We have implemented multiple, user-friendly channels for incident reporting. These include online reporting systems, dedicated phone lines, and in-person reporting options. This accessibility ensures that any member of the PIM community can report an incident easily and promptly.
Encouraging a Culture of Reporting: We actively encourage a culture where reporting incidents is seen as a positive and responsible action. Awareness campaigns and training sessions emphasize the importance of reporting, and we assure confidentiality and a non-punitive approach to encourage openness.
Prompt Response to Reports: Upon receiving a report, our response is immediate. The primary concern is always the safety and well-being of those involved. Appropriate measures are taken to secure the area and provide necessary medical or emotional support.
Thorough Investigation Process: Each reported incident is investigated thoroughly to determine its cause. Investigations are conducted by trained personnel or teams, who gather facts, interview witnesses, and analyze evidence. We ensure that investigations are impartial, comprehensive, and focused on identifying the root cause of the incident.
Collaboration with External Experts: Where necessary, external experts are consulted during investigations, particularly for complex incidents or when specialized knowledge is required. This collaboration enhances the quality and thoroughness of our investigations.
Reporting and Documentation: All incidents and investigations are documented meticulously. This documentation includes details of the incident, steps taken during the investigation, findings, and recommendations for future prevention. These records are crucial for transparency, accountability, and learning.
Preventive Measures and Follow-Up: Following an investigation, we implement measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. This could involve changes to procedures, additional training, infrastructure modifications, or other relevant actions. We also follow up to ensure that these measures are effective.
Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Feedback is sought from those involved in the incident and the investigation process. This feedback, along with insights gained from investigations, is used to continuously improve our incident reporting and investigation procedures and overall safety practices.

Continuous ImprovementWe adopt a dynamic and proactive approach to continuously improve our health and safety practices. Recognizing that safety is an evolving field, we commit to regularly updating and refining our strategies and procedures to ensure the highest standards of safety for our community.
Regular Review and Assessment: We conduct regular reviews and assessments of all our health and safety policies, procedures, and practices. This involves analyzing the effectiveness of existing measures, identifying areas for enhancement, and staying abreast of new challenges and best practices in the field of health and safety.
Incorporating Feedback and Learning: Feedback from students, staff, and other stakeholders is an invaluable part of our improvement process. We actively seek and incorporate this feedback, along with lessons learned from incident reports, safety drills, and audits, into our health and safety strategies.
Staying Informed and Current: Keeping up-to-date with the latest developments in health and safety standards, technologies, and methodologies is crucial. We engage with professional bodies, attend relevant conferences, and subscribe to industry publications to ensure that our practices are aligned with current trends and innovations.
Training and Development: Continuous improvement also extends to our training programs. We regularly update our training content and methods to reflect new information, ensuring that our staff and students are well-informed and skilled in the latest health and safety practices.
Investing in Technology and Resources: We invest in new technologies and resources that can enhance our safety measures. This could include upgrading our infrastructure, implementing new safety software, or adopting advanced tools for risk assessment and emergency management.
Collaborative and Cross-functional Teams: We establish collaborative teams involving various departments and levels within the institution to oversee continuous improvement initiatives. This cross-functional approach ensures diverse perspectives and comprehensive solutions.
Benchmarking and External Comparisons: We benchmark our safety practices against other leading institutions and industry standards. This comparison helps us to identify best practices and areas where we can aspire to excel.
Transparent Communication and Reporting: We maintain transparency in our continuous improvement efforts. Regular reporting to our community about changes, improvements, and future plans in health and safety is part of our commitment to openness and accountability.

ResponsibilityWe believe that maintaining a safe and healthy environment is a shared responsibility, involving every member of our community. Our approach emphasizes that while management plays a crucial role in establishing and enforcing safety protocols, each individual has an important part to play in ensuring their own safety and the safety of others.
Management’s Role: Our management team is dedicated to providing a safe environment. This includes developing and implementing comprehensive health and safety policies, ensuring compliance with regulations, providing necessary resources and training, and fostering a culture of safety. Management also takes responsibility for regularly assessing and improving these measures.
Staff and Faculty Responsibilities: Staff and faculty are responsible for adhering to established safety protocols, participating in training programs, and incorporating safety practices into their daily activities. They are also role models for students, setting an example by following safety guidelines diligently.
Student Engagement: Students are encouraged to take an active role in maintaining their own safety and that of their peers. This includes following safety rules, participating in safety drills, reporting hazards or incidents, and being proactive in learning about safety practices relevant to their activities and environments.
Collaboration and Communication: Open communication and collaboration among all members of the PIM community are essential for effective safety management. This involves sharing concerns, suggestions, and feedback about health and safety matters, and working together to resolve issues.
Personal Accountability: We emphasize the importance of personal accountability in safety matters. This means being aware of one's own actions and their impact on the safety of oneself and others, and taking responsibility for making safe choices.
Community Involvement: We also extend the concept of responsibility to the wider community. This includes engaging with parents, local authorities, and other stakeholders to ensure a collaborative approach to safety, and to benefit from shared knowledge and resources.
Continuous Learning and Improvement: Responsibility for safety also involves a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. Individuals are encouraged to stay informed about safety practices, participate in ongoing training, and contribute to the evolution of our safety culture.
Empowering Individuals: Lastly, we focus on empowering every member of the PIM community with the knowledge, resources, and confidence to take action in maintaining a safe environment. This empowerment is key to building a resilient and safety-conscious community.

Complaints policy

Our Complaints Policy aims to address concerns swiftly and effectively, ensuring a fair and transparent process for all parties involved.
Procedure:Filing a Complaint: Learners or stakeholders may submit complaints via a designated email address (moc.liamg%40m.i.rakehsep) or in person at our administrative office.Acknowledgement: Complaints will be acknowledged within two business days.Investigation: Each complaint will be thoroughly investigated by an impartial team. This may involve discussions with relevant parties and reviewing associated documentation.Resolution: We aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days. If more time is needed, the complainant will be informed of the delay and the reasons for it.Response: Complainants will receive a detailed response including findings and any actions taken.Appeals: If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome, they may appeal the decision, triggering a review by senior management.
Confidentiality: All complaints will be handled with strict confidentiality and in compliance with data protection regulations.
Continuous Improvement: Complaints are an opportunity for improvement. Outcomes will be used to enhance our services and prevent future issues.
Feedback: We welcome feedback on our complaints process to ensure it remains effective and fair.
This policy is reviewed annually to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.

Statement on data security

PIM holds a special license for personal data protection and processing (Information Security License, Registration number 253), issued by the Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies of the Azerbaijan Republic. This license underscores our commitment to ensuring the confidentiality and secure management of data. We specialize in forming individual data information, creating information systems, and providing related services. In addition, all employees at PIM are bound by contracts that emphasize the importance of privacy and confidentiality. Our stringent data security measures and adherence to legal requirements reflect our dedication to protecting the personal and sensitive information entrusted to us.

Equality and diversity policy

1. Policy Statement
At PIM, we commit to fostering an environment of equality and diversity. We value the diversity of our community and are dedicated to inclusivity and equal opportunities for all. 2. Objective To create a culture that embraces diversity and promotes equality for every community member. 3. Scope
This policy covers all aspects of PIM's operations. 4. Promoting Equality and Diversity - Implement fair recruitment and development practices. - Provide equal access to opportunities. - Ensure our curriculum reflects our commitment to diversity. - Address discrimination and harassment. 5. Inclusivity in Environment - Create an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are valued. - Support individuals with disabilities. - Promote understanding of different cultures.
6. Responsibility
- Management to embed equality and diversity in our policies. - Staff and students to uphold these principles. - Provide regular training and awareness programs.
7. Monitoring and Review - Regularly review practices to align with this policy. - Address inequality and encourage community feedback.

Environmental policy

Founded in 2011 with an ethical commitment to be carbon-friendly, sustainability is at the heart of our company, instilled in our people and promoted in our brand. We, therefore, treat our environmental policy as our company policy, perhaps uniquely for us, they are the same.
Our mission statement:
A passion for creativity, a mind for innovation, a heart for the environment.
Our values:
Creative and surprising, ethical and sustainable, innovative and pioneering, attentive and open, dependable and responsible, respectful and engaging, punctual and proud, fast and agile.
Our commitment:
We are fully committed to reducing the impact our company has on the environment. This includes identifying the aspects of our business relative to this process, measurement and monitoring, providing solutions to reduce negative impacts and a commitment to continually improve our environmental performance. We promote our environmental ethos and policies internally to our staff and externally to our clients, suppliers and partners. We take our responsibilities on this matter very seriously and we provide the following statements of commitment:
We aim to:
● Complying with all applicable environmental sustainability-related regulations● Setting ambitious, science-based performance improvement targets that address the material environmental impacts of our operations along our value chain● Driving continuous improvement in our environmental sustainability programs and key performance metrics for material topics such as climate change, water management, biodiversity, air quality, renewable energy and waste management● Transparently disclosing our environmental sustainability data, priorities and progress against goals● Securing independent validation of our progress through third-party assurance of data● Promoting positive change in global environmental priorities across the value chain through collaboration with customers, suppliers and other partners● Providing sustainable products and services that are trusted and preferred by our customers and partners● Assess and monitor our energy usage and waste output.● Actively reduce our waste through waste reduction policies, recycle and re-use as much as possible and promote creative thinking amongst staff about this process.● Strive for a carbon-neutral status by reducing our co2 output to a minimum and using carbon offsetting programs to neutralise that we cannot currently reduce any further.● Embrace new and more efficient technologies to reduce energy consumption by providing better performance per watt or automated ‘power down when not in use’ policies.● Educate staff, clients and suppliers on new methods and policies to reduce energy and waste generation.● Purchase products and services from third party suppliers that share similar environmental positioning goals as our own.● Be transparent in our findings, celebrate our environmental tribulations as much as our triumphs so that we and others can learn from our mistakes.● Use our skills in marketing and communication to actively promote environmental sustainability and raise awareness of climate change in our region.● Be localised and socially responsible, offer support and sponsorship for local organisations, agencies and not for profit projects about environmental issues.● Ensure that all our activities and services comply with all relevant environmental legislation.● Encourage staff to engage in our environmental positioning, it is at the heart of our company. We have a responsibility to join in at a grassroots level with local communities and charities to enhance our local environment.● Promote our tree planting scheme and encourage staff, clients and local communities to actively join in.● Seek new opportunities to help raise awareness of climate change and enhance our local communities.● Complying with all applicable environmental sustainability-related regulations•Setting ambitious, science-based performance improvement targets that address the material environmental impacts of our operations along our value chain● Driving continuous improvement in our environmental sustainability programs and key performance metrics for material topics such as climate change, water management, biodiversity, air quality, renewable energy and waste management● Transparently disclosing our environmental sustainability data, priorities and progress against goals● Securing independent validation of our progress through third-party assurance of data● Promoting positive change in global environmental priorities across the value chain through collaboration with customers, suppliers and other partners● Providing sustainable products and services that are trusted and preferred by our customers and partners
In support of this Policy, we provide leadership guidance and resources. Our values of empowerment, expertise, integrity, innovation, and responsibility are fundamental beliefs that guide individual behavior. Through our cultural principles focused on ownership, agility, and collaboration, we bring our purpose to life and inspire action to meet our performance expectations.
This Policy was approved on 15 December 2019

Contacts for cooperation

To start a collaboration with us, you can reach out by calling +994 50 244-80-55 to express your readiness for partnership.Additionally, you can email za.repsorp%40vorafasv with a list of your current and planned job vacancies, including details such as how many individuals you can hire for each position, the potential for offering internships, and the minimum requirements for each vacancy.